About Clear and Bright

April 6 - 21
First Pentad, April 6 - 10
Second Pentad, April 11 - 15
Third Pentad, April 16 - 25

In April, we begin to feel the triumph of spring. The full, glorious sunshine of the season falls upon us, and though we may still get some of the classic “April showers,” they are often followed by rainbows. This aptly-named season is a time of clarity and brightness: not just good weather, but the sight of flowers “springing” forth, brightens our freshly awakened landscapes. There are now no more lingering thoughts of winter, as we are surrounded by birdsong, blossoms, and life flourishing all around us. We feel the potential of the year growing before us. It’s a good time for new beginnings: the first episode of the Season by Season podcast ever aired covered the season of “Clear & Bright.”

Clear and Bright
Podcast Episode

In this episode, Alexis and Kit celebrate the season known as "Clear and Bright," discuss seasonal keywords known as kigo, and share the joys of the beginning of spring around the world.

Click here for poems & songs featured in this episode.

Words of the Season

In the Sky

Cherry Blossoms

In the Ground

Pink Phlox

In Our Lives



Sweet Bean Paste by Durian Sukegawa reminds us of the sweetness of a life lived by listening and looking closely.

An Artist of the Floating World by Kazuo Ishiguro. Although not set in this season, this book feels decidedly like a hazy spring day spent looking back at the past with an eye towards the horizon and the dawn of a new day.